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The CosmicCraft Creative server is failing by the hour with many complaints and problems. Including people like BUILDKING and Vaxersayshi.


It has come to my attention that the server I have been playing on for atleast two years has suddenly gone down hill. It was late Febuary and all of a sudden BUILDKING, richest person on the server, found out that his castle that was the plot behind this statue of the owner, AllenCC, was cleared. He had spened so much time on that Castle. He was very upset. BUILDKING had so many names of so many people that were his friends, all those names are no longer there. That castle

contained a shop that he would sell heads in. The castle took very long to build, he really was a BUILDKING.



BUILDKING had many people added to that plot, many people that helped him build the castle. As soon as he saw his castle was cleared, he straight up blamed AllenCC and wrote a hate letter at that same plot. The plot was cleared again when I wanted to read it again, however; I still could remeber some of the stuff he said. He built the words "F*** YOU ALLEN!". BUILKING had many other signs exclaiming about what is just said. At first he wrote about why his castle went missing and then he started to talk about many problems this server has like,


"/Ignore may not be working, spammers will not be stopped, griefing is not being taken care of, plots are being cleared for no given reason, etc..."


Then at the same time, Vaxersayshi, who bought one of BUILKING's plot near spawn for $5,000, had a mansion where he had a head shop, restauraunt and more, he was my best friend and still is. His plot was cleared too. Later he built a castle in memory of BUILKING's one. Vaxersayshi's new plot was later cleared. From there, every single plot from BUILDKING and Vaxersayshi that was near spawn was cleared and given to other people.


At the Cosmic Craft website, MineKingdom posted on the fourms "Why CosmicCraft Is Terrible" and has a detaitled, long and BORING page. The highlights were,


"While I feel that Cosmic Craft is an amazing server to play on for the average Joe. I might as well point out their major flaws that should be corrected now. Below I’ll explain exactly what I mean. My thesis is that they’re a terrible server if you look at the big picture."


"First off they have terrible punishment systems. They pay little to no time to investigating cases. Rather than having them truly investigate cases, they simply ban the offender."


"Second off, you’re banning useful users that keep the economy flowing. By banning useful users that maintain the economy, you’re ruining your own server’s economy. You’re setting your server up for disaster. You better learn not to screw with these people. They are the ones that will keep your servers running and well. Banning these people is the worst thing you can do to your economy."


"Third off, you guys do terrible investigation into ban cases. You’d rather just ban people then truly investigate a case. You’re losing valuable users by banning them from your server. Do you know how it feels to those to be banned? For things they haven’t even done. Do you guys get that banning someone then unbanning someone is traumatically. Do you think that that is funny? Do you think that they enjoy that? I hope that you get this into your brain. Don’t screw with the users that make your server unique."


"Fifth off, you guys pick the worst people to review cases. I recommend you guys make an entire team of people to review your ban cases."


"Sixth off, you guys are terrible to ban people prematurely; by doing that you’re driving away friends of the defendant. Most of Minecraft is about friendship, and if your friends are somewhere you will follow and join them, it’s kind of the Minecraft law."


"Seventh off, you guys allow people who actually violate the rules to roam freely rather then catch them down. Why don’t you simply send staff into several games a day invisible and eventually you will stop anyone from breaking the rules. Using NoCheatPlus to ban people is simply disgraceful. NoCheatPlus has many bugs, and not a reliable way to prove people guilty. You guys disgust me more and more as I dig deeper into this."




This is my very first article and I am very surprised at this server and the crisis it is going through. If you do not wish for your username to be here just contact us here, if you have any problems with the article, please tell me in the comments.



BREAKING: A Cosmic Crisis



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Various players on the Creative Server standing behind a glass statue of the owner.

By AgentIHD â€” 13th of June 2014

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