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Arena Corintians in Minecraft

To kick off the World Cup, PreFXDesigns has made the official arena for the World Cup in Minecraft. The arena in real life is called Arena Corinthians, located in São Paulo.


Seems legit that everyone is so excited about the  FIFA World Cup, especially Google and Twitter with the Doodles and Hashflags, even the guardian is keeping track of the events. Today I wondered about the World Cup being in Minecraft so I searched it...

15th of June, 2014

Villagers have taken over, everyone is now a villager!

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Etiam ullamcorper, nulla at pretium commodo, lectus mauris tempus velit, et tristique lorem nulla ut enim. Phasellus vitae magna velit.

Suspendisse fringilla quam non nibh fringilla consequat. Duis quis vulputate odio. Etiam nunc lorem, egestas in rutrum elementum, blandit nec lectus. Donec mattis varius metus a pharetra. Sed lobortis ligula ac porttitor condimentum.

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31st of May, 2014

The ProCraftersMC server has shut down

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Etiam ullamcorper, nulla at pretium commodo, lectus mauris tempus velit, et tristique lorem nulla ut enim. Phasellus vitae magna velit.

Suspendisse fringilla quam non nibh fringilla consequat. Duis quis vulputate odio. Etiam nunc lorem, egestas in rutrum elementum, blandit nec lectus. Donec mattis varius metus a pharetra. Sed lobortis ligula ac porttitor condimentum.

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31st of May, 2014

SkyDoesMinecraft - New World

(Parody of Coldplay - Paradise)


Read About It


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SkyDoesMC reaches 9 Mil Subs

ProCraftersMC has shut down



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Our site has moved to Wordpress because they're a MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN WIX! (sorry). We have posted the new developments on

Twitter. Click the NEW like below!


Nuestro sitio se ha mudado a Wordpress porque son un millón de veces MEJOR QUE WIX! (lo siento). Hemos publicado los nuevos desarrollos en
Twitter. Haga clic en el nuevo como abajo!

Notre site a déménagé à Wordpress, car ils sont un million de fois mieux que WIX! (désolé). Nous avons affiché les nouveaux développements sur
Twitter. Cliquez sur le nouveau comme ci-dessous!


Unsere Website hat Wordpress verschoben, weil sie eine Million mal besser als WIX! (sorry). Wir haben die neuen Entwicklungen auf geschriebenTwitter. Klicken Sie auf die unten wie NEU!






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